Figure Painting
For many years I’ve practised the regular discipline of figure painting and life drawing to sharpen my skills at drawing from observation.
Using a limited palette of Lead White, Yellow Ochre, Light Red and Lamp Black on a tinted board. I use Sight Size to ensure an accurate rendering of form, tone and colour.
Figure painting by drawing with the brush rather than outlining in pencil creates brush marks that are fresh and expressive.
This can be seen throughout this figure painting, particularly the models arms and legs. There was also a darker background than usual which helped to create strong form and shapes.
Painting the Human Body
Figure Painting the human body can be an extraordinary, even spiritual, experience for the artist, the model, and the viewer. It’s a non sexual appreciation of the beauty of the human body. Figure paintings of the human body, life drawings in oil for sale at
Browse our collection of figure paintings to suit your personal taste. Whether you’re looking for a nude oil painting or a familiar landscape.
Male figure painting and female figure paintings for sale and on view at Alan Reed Gallery in Ponteland. Contemporary and figurative art for sale.
John Singer Sargent
The American artist John Singer Sargent was born this day 12th January 1856. The word “awesome” is used rather flippantly these days to describe things and events that are everyday and somewhat ordinary. John Singer Sargent was truly an awesome painter. He was an absolute genius when it came to applying paint in what appeared to be an effortless manner. My appreciation of his skills only grows as I regularly make my own studies of his work in my moleskine sketchbook seen above and also oil paintings.
Read the article on Alan Reed’s blog