Alan Reed Art is pleased to offer the Original Watercolour Painting “Princess Street,Edinburgh,” available to purchase for £3000 by Alan Reed.
Edinburgh Paintings
To celebrate over 30 years of Paintings we are displaying Alan Reed Fine Art Edinburgh Scottish Paintings. Edinburgh Landscapes and Cityscapes, Prints of Edinburgh. Princes Street Gardens, Auld Reekie and Haar on the Firth are just some of our awesome collection.
This scene of Princes Street, Edinburgh is taken from Calton Hill which boasts commanding views over the city. The inclusion of figures which can bring a cityscape to life, but in this instance it’s the traffic. In this particular scene it’s the the buses that bring a sense movement to the watercolour.
This time of year is winter and the sun has almost set. There’s a strong feeling of warmth and light. The light coming through because of the base washes of Cadmium Lemon and Rose Madder. This is contrasted by the cold shadows created by a quite bold application of Paynes Grey. Further interest has been achieved by the highlights on the cars and buses on Princes Street. One can easily overdue the washes and in doing so, kill the translucency of the watercolour.
Lifting out some of the colour has brought a feeling of mist and smokiness, giving the architecture an ethereal quality which has enhanced the depth and ariel perspective to Auld Reekie.
To enquire about this original watercolour painting please contact
This watercolour of Princes Street Edinburgh depicts the street on a winter’s afternoon. It was featured in a book titled “Landscapes in Watercolour” by Theodora Philcox. The book contained some of the works of 23 of the leading watercolourists from around the world. I felt privileged to have some of my paintings included.