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Grand Canal

Painting of the Grand Canal, Venice

Accademia Bridge Last night Susan and I watched the  BBC 2 programme Shakespeare in Italy narrated by Francesco da Mosto. Part of the programme was set in Venice. It was Susan’s home for 5 years and a place which has been a content source of inspiration for my Italian collection. One of my favourite views […]

Painting Winter

Snow Landscapes I’ve always loved the way snow can transform a landscape. Painting Winter can be tricky. When the sun is bursting through clouds laden with snow and it’s reflecting off the fallen snow, there’s a distinct clarity and sharpness to the light. It’s hard to capture this in watercolour if one tries to paint […]

Dhow, Reflections

A simple composition like this titled “Dhow, Reflections” is actually one of the most difficult subjects to paint successfully in watercolour. Over the last five years I’ve made many sketchbook studies of Arabian dhows whilst painting on location in the Gulf and find them a delight to paint. This particular painting was inspired by a […]