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Paintings of Todi Umbria

Learn to Paint in Italy

Sketchbook from Italy If you would like to Learn to Paint then why not come on one of our Painting Holidays in Umbria, Italy. You will receive one to one tuition also in a group. Accommodation Our luxury accommodation is at Chiesa del Carmine located in Umbria described as the Green Heart of Italy. This short […]


Umbria Our first visit to Umbria was March 2002. It was a much appreciated break away from running an art gallery in Newcastle’s city centre. It was also an opportunity to spend time reflecting on what had been anxious year in 2001. Susan and I had major surgery together when I donated one of my […]

20th Anniversary

April marks the 20th Anniversary of It’s hard for me to believe that my domain name dates back to the 20th Century! I knew very  little about the world wide web in those days but it only took a few weeks for me to realise the value of having a website to promote my business. […]

Wedding Anniversary Hand Made Card in Watercolour

Wedding Anniversary Today is our 26th Wedding Anniversary. Once again my main gift to Susan has been a Hand Made Card painted in watercolour. She now has quite a sizeable collection of cards that every so often we will browse through and reflect on. The card itself will often be of a place that we […]

Painting Holiday, New Dates for 2019

Painting Holiday, New Dates for 2019. Our Painting Holiday for June 2019 is fully booked. We have now booked a second week for another Painting Holiday, New Dates for 2019 September 21st – 28th. Already the spaces are filling quickly. Guests will once again have the opportunity to travel around Italy with Susan and I […]

Our Christmas Exhibition

Our Christmas Exhibition starts on the weekend of the 24th & 25th November 9:30 – 5pm. I’ve now been a full time artist for 34 years! It’s been quite a journey, one which I’ve shared with many who have become an important part of my story as an artist. 2018 has been a landmark year […]

Great North Exhibition 2018

Greys Monument The Great North Exhibition 2018 started at Newcastle’s spectacular quayside on the evening of Friday 22nd June. It heralded the start of 80 days of brilliant events, activities, performances and exhibitions celebrating art, design and innovation. I was unable to attend the launch however when I turned up to the Junction 42 offices […]

Painting in Italy

Our next Painting Holiday at Chiesa del Carmine in Umbria in Italy is just a few weeks away. Once again we are fully booked. For some of our guests it will their fourth and fifth time with us Painting in Italy. Over the years we’ve enjoyed some wonderful trips out. We’ve visited many of the […]

Paintings of Umbria

Reedart Painting Holidays When producing Paintings of Umbria I always try to articulate in paint the distinctive characteristics of this fascinating region. My wife and I have been visiting Umbria since 2002. We’ve grown to love and appreciate this regions wonderful hilltop towns, its food and wine. Through our reedartholidays we’ve been able to share our […]

Christmas Exhibition

Our Christmas Exhibition starts on the weekend of the 4th and 5th November 2017. The scene above of Grey Street on a bleak winter’s day in Newcastle is this years Christmas Card. It is also available as an original watercolour. The Christmas Exhibition also includes many new original watercolours and oil paintings which I’ve been […]