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Paintings of Italy

Paintings of Venice

Paintings of Venice | Alan Reed Art Dolomites This is a studio painting that I painted after a memorable trip to the Dolomites and Venice in 2006. I often find that our overseas travels continue to bear fruit decades later. This was one of those trips. Not only did I produce new Paintings of Venice, […]

Venice Dawn Prints

Grand Canal, Venetian Dawn

Dolomites In 2006, Susan and I spent a week in the Dolomites with an old Venetian lady who has a holiday home there. I spent the week awestruck by the majesty and spectacle of God’s creation which was so evident throughout the Dolomites. I produced many sketchbook watercolours painted on location. At the end of […]

Venetian Light

Venetian Light watercolour The Tourist A few days ago I was watching the film “The Tourist” starring Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie We were on an plane travelling back from one of my overseas work trips. Most of the film was set in Venice which made it very watchable. It triggered off many memories of our […]