Watercolour Demonstration As the year draws to a close I know that I will be taking my usual time out to review the year. Like most of us, it’s a combination of being grateful, and thinking of those less fortunate. Spending time working in one of the north east’s prisons does give you a greater […]
Tag: Dhows
A History of Art in Three Colours
I’ve been watching with some interest “A History of Art in Three Colours” on BBC 4 on Saturday evenings. The first episode, narrated by Dr James Fox, looked at the way gold has been used in art over the centuries. Last Saturday it was the turn of the colour Blue. The programme began on the […]
Dhows on Gold Leaf
I did two quite different scenes, one of the Grand Mosque in Oman, the other of some Arabian Dhows at low tide in Sur, Oman.
Dhows, Calm Waters
I recently received an order from a client in the USA for 15 copies of this limited edition print titled “Dhows, Calm Waters”. The painting was inspired by some sketchbook studies I made in watercolour of dhows in Kuwait when I was there in January 2009. Since I first visited the Gulf back in 2007, […]