The Pantheon Rome Watercolour Print | Paintings and Prints of Rome Italy – Alan Reed
Paintings and Prints of Rome Italy
This print of The Pantheon is one of the oldest surviving buildings in Rome and was commissioned by Marcus Agrippa about the time of the Bible’s Book of Acts.
Agrippa’s inscription can be seen on the portico which always reminds me of Acts chapters 25-26 where the Apostle Paul is brought before King Agrippa to be tried.
We welcome you to visit Alan Reed Gallery in Ponteland to see Prints of Italy.
Rooftops Paintings of Rome
Paintings of Rome
For all your Rome Paintings look no further than Alan Reed Gallery in Ponteland, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. We have a large selection of Paintings of Italy and limited editions signed and numbered.
Rome is the capital city of Italy. It is also the capital of the Lazio region, the centre of the Metropolitan City of Rome, and a special comune named Comune di Roma Capitale. Wikipedia
On one afternoon during our visit we went onto the roof of the hotel which offered lovely views of the city. I painted a watercolour of the rooftops looking into the sunlight.
I sold this sketch from our gallery once we returned home.
Recently when I was looking through some photographs of my paintings I found it in one of my albums. It’s probably worth saying that this was a physical photograph, not a digital one. I came across the photographs I’d taken of my sketches which included the one of the rooftops. I photographed it and posted it on Instagram. Even though the sketch was painted 24 years ago, the feedback was positive. I decided to paint an A6 Valentine’s card for Susan of the scene