A dream
Last year I had a dream where I was underwater. There were all kinds of fish swimming around. I seemed to be aware that there were two people walking on the surface of the water. When I woke up, I decided to paint the scene for a painting project whilst the image was still fresh in my mind. My friend Ian Galloway had written a book about unlocking John’s Gospel “Called to be Friends” and was looking for book cover ideas. I shared my dream with Ian and said that he could use the image if it worked out.
A few days later, I began to look for reference to help me piece the dream into something tangible. Already my dream was beginning to fade. Finding lots of photographs of fish underwater was easy. Images of people Walking on Water was impossible! I had to be creative.
Fortunately I had a large sheet of perspective in my studio. I lay it on some dark carpet and stood on it as though I was walking. The effect was like a mirror, seeing myself from below. I was able to draw my reflection in different positions to get the idea of two people walking together.
The Bible Story
The image I had in mind was not so much a recording of the biblical story. It was more to do with the idea that when someone decides to follow Jesus, they begin a relationship with Him. It’s friendship. Two people walking together through the trials and challenges of life. It’s also faith, believing that the Person you are walking with, loves you and is with you throughout life and into eternity.
I decided to follow Jesus in 1988. It’s a decision I’ve never regretted. Much of the journey I’ve been on has also been shared with my wife Susan. We have trusted in His leading and direction since we met in 1990. Opportunities have come our way and doors have opened that were never on our radar. The plans that He has unfolded have been far more interesting than anything we could have come up with.
The publishers of the book didn’t go for my painting. However, since posting this image on social media, I’ve had many requests for prints. So now this watercolour painting is available as a limited edition print.
Thank you. A very atmospheric painting highlighting humanity and divinity. It spoke movingly to us. How we all need a friend, a guide and a hope throughout life. And what a friend ! The very Son of God, Jesus, who made the very sea and fish that are the great background of your inspired watercolour.
Thank you very much, that is so true.
Best wishes, Alan