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Forth Bridge

Forth Bridge Prints
Haar on the Forth Rail Bridge Scotland

Paintings of Scotland

“It’s like painting the Forth Bridge” is an expression that is often used to describe a task or job that seems never ending. Indeed, painting the Forth Rail Bridge has been just that. The Forth Bridge is an iconic one and a half mile Victorian structure that spans the Forth of Forth linking South Queensferry to North Queensferry. It has usually taken around three years to paint and has hence coined the expression quoted.

BBC News

The BBC news this evening has featured a report on the new paint job on the Forth Rail Bridge. It has cost around £130 million, taken 10 years, (including blasting off the old layers of paint) and is expected to last 25-40 years. The paint used is similar to that used on oil rigs and will hopefully keep the rust at bay.

Haar on the Forth

My original watercolour titled “Haar on the Forth” didn’t take quite as long. Although it did feel like it at the time! It can be purchased for a lot less than £130 million. The painting is currently on show at my Studio & Gallery in Ponteland. It is also available as a limited edition print. It depicts the first major structure in Britain to be constructed in steel. I’ve captured it rising out of a Scottish mist like a Brontosaurus in a prehistoric swamp. A steam train hurtling over the bridge adds extra mood and drama to the scene. You can read other blog posts about my paintings of Scotland here.

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